Support Cycle Toronto & Bike Lanes

Cycle Toronto and its co-applicants have filed an injunction to guarantee that their legal challenge against the province’s anti-bike lane legislation is heard in court.

The Ontario government responded by saying that “We can’t let activists who represent less than 1% of the population force families to sit in traffic any longer.” Cycle Toronto responded back that “people are fed up with being bullied by a government fixated on igniting a culture war”

At ecoMVMNT, we fully support Cycle Toronto’s efforts, and it is disgraceful that the Ontario government labels them as “activists.” The government is meant to represent 100% of Ontarians—not just 99%. In Cycle Toronto’s press release, they outlined compelling reasons why bike lanes should not be removed and how they contribute to better traffic congestion solutions. We stand with Cycle Toronto in their fight, and if you haven’t already, we encourage you to visit their website, sign up for their newsletter, and show your support. This is yet another reason NOT TO VOTE FOR DOUG FORD.

Here’s an interesting fact about bike lane and road kilometers, highlighting the real cause of traffic congestion. Toronto has over 5,300 kilometers of roads, yet blaming gridlock on just 19 kilometers of bike lanes is not only absurd—it’s a deliberate misdirection. Bike lanes are not the cause of traffic congestion. The real issue lies in poor urban planning and the continuous delays of critical transit projects, such as the Eglinton Crosstown and Finch LRT.

Tearing out safe bike lanes is a reckless and dangerous waste of taxpayer money. Pursuing this plan will put lives at risk. Bike lanes play a crucial role in easing congestion, offering sustainable transportation alternatives, and ensuring that no family has to experience the unimaginable tragedy of losing a loved one on our streets.

Watch Video:  Cycle Toronto

#cycletoronto #bikelanes #congestion #transportation

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