ecoMVMNT embraces Environmental Defence in sponsoring a Canadian Olympic athlete to raise the awareness of oil and gas industry’s blatant greenwashing of sports. Environmental Defence is sponsoring Canadian bobsled pilot Jay Dearborn as he competes in Norway, using his platform to highlight the problematic role of fossil fuel sponsorships in athletics.
The health of our planet has always been important to me,” said Jay Dearborn, Canadian bobsled pilot. “That’s why I was happy to partner with Environmental Defence and use my platform to promote renewable energy, action against climate change, and our most valuable resource: wide open untouched, healthy nature. I want to do what I can to protect the places and sports that I love.”
Watch Video: E.D. Sponsors Athlete
For winter athletes, climate change poses existential risks to doing what they love. It makes sense that Canadian athletes want to show their support for climate action. Replacing fossil fuels like oil and gas with renewable energy is critically important for addressing climate change.
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